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Montessori classrooms are organized around 5 areas:
Family Trip

Practical Life

Your child will practice daily skills that are useful in life outside of the classroom such as caring for themselves, caring for their space, practicing manners, and learning appropriate social behavior. This is taught through cleaning, pretend play, and behavior modelling.

Alphabet Cubes


Your child will begin learning about letters, phonics sounds, and reading. Here, you may find textured letters for your child to trace with their finger and a sand drawing station.



Your child will learn foundational math concepts such as quantity, sequence, and basic arithmetic. Here, you may find Number Rods and counting blocks.


Sensorial Development

Your child will learn to notice details like color, shape, texture, smell, sound, weight and temperature. Here, you may find a sound garden and different textured/shaped blocks. 


Culture & Sciences

Your child will be introduced to geography, history, science, art, music, and basic botany. A variety of materials are used to promote this area such as small world play, plants within the classroom, and art materials.

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